Anthony W. “Tony” Pavlick, II – Guestbook Entries
Sharon Vaughn
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear of this. Prayers for the family that the Great Comforter with ease the pain in your heart. Blood is blood, no matter what. Circumstances kept us apart, but you will forever live in my heart. I remember you saying “let’s keep in touch”. In this busy city that has no end, tis nearly impossible. We all need to slow down and re-connect. xo
Bryan Williams
Sally Laird
Beat and Tony–I am sorry to hear of Tony’s death. There are many memories of our growing up in Northy and when he was working with the bands. I love you guys and hope you find peace with his passing.
Jack and Ramona(Askey) Fye
Dear Tony,Beat and family,So sorry to hear of your loss.Our thoughts and prayers are with you.Love in Christ, Jack and Ramona
Theresa (Welker) Croyle
I have known the Pavlick FAMILY all my life. They are the best. I am so sorry for your loss Tony was a very kind loving person with a heart of gold. He will SO be greatly missed. He will live within are hearts by his kindness and loving ways ALWAYS there to help anyone in need. REST IN PEACE TONY UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN YOUR IN my thoughts and prayers
Bettyann (Horvath) Milliron
Tony was like my little brother growing up. So many memories. May you rest in peace Tony!
Amy (Laird) Morrissey
My deepest, heartfelt sympathy to my dear friend Paula, and of course to Tony’s daughters, parents and family. May your memories always keep Tony close to your hearts. Many Prayers for comfort, during this difficult time in your lives….
John Granlun
Tony, thanks for being such a good friend…..I’ll miss you yelling out “DUDE” to me whenever you see me!
Bob and Amy Vail
Beat, Tony and Family,
So sorry for your loss. He was a great young man and very nice to us when we lived out in Northy. Also, whenever we would see him out, he always was glad to see us. You both raised a very nice young man and can be very proud of him. Love to all.
Theresa and Earl and Family
Dear Aunt Beat, Uncle. Patty and everyone, You are in our thoughts and prayers. God calls us at times when only He knows. It’s really hard. If you keep the wonderful memories in your heart, times will get easier. Never forget all the great times Tony had, and remember to lean on your family and friends. We are dealing with a lose but God gained an Angel today. Take care and God Bless Tony’s Family. Love Theresa and Family
Mike & Robin Good
To the family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you.