Dennis Ray “Denny Ray” Hollabaugh – Guestbook Entries
Judi Fry
My baby brother, you are my last sibling to join Dad & Mom in heaven. I have such good memories of you, our families, our kids growing up and friends. Your pain and struggles are now gone, rest in peace Denny Ray.
Robin (Kelce) Good
Our thoughts and prayers to the family.
Pauline Kelce
Prayers be with you and the family.
Luisa Flores
My name is Luisa Flores and I am a Jehovah's Witnesses. Although there are no words that can take away the pain of your loss, I can assure you that Jehovah your God and Father is with you and will help you through your pain. I'd like to share with you Jehovah's promise for the dead. I recently lost my father and these Scriptures bought me comfort. I pray that they bring you comfort too. Acts 24:15, John 5:28,29 and Rev. 21:1-4
Nancy Ann Jones
To my brother these last few months with you have been the best times of our lives. We have gotten so close again and it wasnt supposed to end like this. I miss you so very much and it was an honor to be able to finally help you wed the love of your life. My Conscience is clear and i know you have said to me in the last few months that it was just you and me left now its just me. I have such a hole in my heart and i will never be able to hear you say I love you too kiddo. I will be here for sue and time just as i promised, she will not be alone.
Bob Veliky
D.R. as many of us knew you, Your pain is gone and your with the lord,You lived and enjoyed life to the fullest I will miss you D.R.
May you find the peace that you never seemed to be able to find before. May God take you and care for you.
Bonnie Veliky
D.R. you may be gone but my memories of our childhood and adult life will be with me forever. You were far more than my nephew you were my friend. You are now with your heavenly family and at rest and free of illness. untill we meet again I love you
Vince Wisor
RIP Ole Buddy
Richard Veliky
May God Bless you DR , I'll always remember all he fun we had in the good old days and the time we spent together which were many and your upbeat and carefree ways .