Robert and Ruth Broome
“Our deepest sympathy to you at this time of sorrow. Madeline is in God’s care now and what better care could we ever ask for her? Now I pray for your comfort in the days ahead. God bless you and keep you in His tender care and love for all eternity.”
Carol Lucas
To one of the nicest ladies I ever met, I will miss her and so glad I got to call her neighbor and friend.
Chris Brickel
My Prayers to the whole family…She was a very sweet and special lady….God Bless to all .. with Love….Chris Hartshorne Brickel xoxoxoxoxoxo <3
Henry A Sshaw
My thought are with you during this time of grief. The good times shall never be forgotten.
Jean Kline Bloom
Hi Al and Donna,
Sorry to hear of your loss. Just learned today about. Russell sent me the obituary . We have been at Grange Fair. Thinking of you.
Jean & Denny