Geane Kelley – Guestbook Entries
Greg and Denise Minarchick
Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer. Geane will be greatly missed but her warmth, kindness, and gentle spirit will be remembered forever.
Jessica Shaw
Looking back on all the good memories we were able to have together a smile is brought to my face. Geane was not just a close friend to share a pew with on Sunday or someone to share a birthday with, but she is special part of the family. She is one of the most humble, driven, caring, and selfless ladies that I have known. She would want to be remembered with a smile. Sending hugs, condolences and prayers to Wayne and rest of the family.
eddie sue campbells son
Geane RIP
Robbie kyler
We will miss you sincerely, everything thing that you have done for me over the years you will be greatly missed we did so much when i was growing up