Neff, James – view


James Lee Neff

Erin Dunleavy

He was a fun guy. Made me laugh.


 Kayla hockenberry

Sry for ur loss n my prayers r with u Martha n his family


 Martha Crust

I hurt so much everyday you are gone. I’m so sorry to the family that I couldn’t save him. I love you James so much.


 Amy Corrigan

I went to high school with James and he was always a friendly guy , years later he sent me a Facebook request and we kept in touch through messenger. He always was checking on me to see how I was doing or what I was up to. He knew that I loved horses and always sent me pictures or articles that were horse related. James will be missed dearly – he was a good friend. My condolences go out to his family during this time



I will always remember james. he was a good friend of mine. He had a big heart. Always remember he call me pie.


 Patti Maines

I’m sorry for your loss Martha. I know James loved his country and you. Everytime I think of you I see James. I remember that florescent vest he often wore. I say many prayers for you and his family and Dennis also.


 Justin jones

James was my buddy definitely gonna miss him he was a great guy always made me laugh


 Josie Firster (LaRoche)

I remember James best as ‘Trucker” in High School. He was so very friendly and kind.
Years after we graduated, he reached out to me on Facebook and we kept in touch that way.
James’s journey here is over way too soon, but that journey does continue somewhere wonderful…..
Somewhere that he definitely deserves to be.
My thoughts and love go out to all that feel the void left by his loss.


 Lindsay Johns

I’m so sorry for your loss. He will be greatly missed.


 Sue Neff

You’re greatly missed cousin and you could always make me laugh..You loved your girlfriend Soo much and you guys always looked happy together.You will be missed buddy.Love you and miss you


 Cheryl Hensal

Martha,Grace,Gale an family. Iam so sorry for your lost James was like a son to me and a great friend of over 30 years. I will miss him deeply. He had the biggest heart and was always there for everyone. A great guy gone to soon.