Walter, MaryAnn


Lois Friel

It is truly with a broken heart that I learned of MaryAnne’s passing. She was a warm, caring, kind-hearted woman. I will always be thankful to her for the way she took care of my sister, Holly, during her illness. We spent many happy hours together, including some special holiday dinners and summer “pool time”, and MaryAnn’s stories never failed to bring a smile to my face. I always considered her an extended part of my family.

We had been planning on visiting her when Laura returned from Oregon, so naturally I was so saddened that she passed before we were able to do that. I will always have very fond memories of Nan.

My sincere condolences go out to your family.

Kathleen M. Bond of Hatboro, PA 19040

Dear Kathy, Liz, and Meri,

I just recently learned of your mother’s passing from Betty Held who learned about Mary Ann from her grandson, Greg. I couldn’t believe it! I had no idea that Mary Ann was so sick and that she had been in hospice care in the nursing home in Tyrone, PA where Liz works. My heart goes out to you and your family during this time of great sorrow.

Mary Ann and I became close friends during the years Hatboro Baptist Church helped with meals for Holly, Jim, and their children when Holly became so sick from Huntington’s Disease. Mary Ann was such a kind, loving, and gracious lady. I knew from the moment we first met that we would be good friends! God bless her loving and generous heart!! I will miss her so much! Surely Mary Ann has taken her well-earned place in God’s house where she is well again and resting for all eternity in the loving arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ, just as He promised for all who believed and remained faithful. My deepest sympathy will always be with all of you. I loved Mary Ann for the wonderful and dear person she was. She now is flying high with the angels!

Kathleen M. Bond of Hatboro, PA 19040

Dear Kathy, Liz, and Meri,

I just recently learned of your mother’s passing from Betty Held who learned about Mary Ann from her grandson, Greg. I couldn’t believe it! I had no idea that Mary Ann was so sick and that she had been in hospice care in the nursing home in Tyrone, PA where Liz works. My heart goes out to you and your family during this time of great sorrow.

Mary Ann and I became close friends during the years Hatboro Baptist Church helped with meals for Holly, Jim, and their children when Holly became so sick from Huntington’s Disease. Mary Ann was such a kind, loving, and gracious lady. I knew from the moment we first met that we would be good friends! God bless her loving and generous heart!! I will miss her so much! Surely Mary Ann has taken her well-earned place in God’s house where she is well again and resting for all eternity in the loving arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ, just as He promised for all who believed and remained faithful. My deepest sympathy will always be with all of you. I loved Mary Ann for the wonderful and dear person she was. She now is flying high with the angels!

David (Tim) & Mary Ann Walter

Dear Kathy – Liz & Meri

Truly, the universe has been blessed by Mary Ann’s time spent here on earth. Although you cannot see her physically, she will always be with you in thought and spirit. You may see someone, somewhere and for an instant you will feel her presence with you. The sadness we feel at the passing of those we love can be somewhat diminished by the happy memories and thoughts that will always cherish by those who loved her. She and Jim raised a wonderful family which only reflects of the beautiful souls that they were.

We will always remember your mom’s wonderful smile and how she managed to take everything in stride. We always looked forward to our visits back to PA because we would see your mom and dad.

Love and miss her ….

Bonnie and Steve Orolin

Our deepest sympthiy goes out to Mary Ann’s family. We will really miss Aunt Mary Ann’s wonderful smile and sense of humour. She brought great joy to our lives during our times we spent together,

Joe and Terri Orolin and family

With deepest sympathies and condolences, we send our love to Aunt MaryAnn’s family and friends. Aunt MaryAnn will be remembered fondly as one who loved and supported her family. Her gift of story-telling was a Powley/Orolin trait that entertained us so much through the years. One minute with Aunt MaryAnn and you were instantly laughing or smiling and feeling great. It is said that laughter adds years to your life. If true, we can all thank her for that gift. While distance kept us away from Aunt MaryAnn in recent years, we always knew that we were thought of and loved. Recently we visited with her incredible “girls”, Kathy, Liz, and Meri. We learned about her recent health challenges and we heard of visits with her brother John, my father, and other dear family members. Imagined or not, we can all have our thoughts on that; there is no doubt to me that he was there with her. While we grieve our loss in her departure from this life, we should all take comfort in that she will be re-united with Uncle Jim, Jimmy, Chuck, Grandma Orolin, her brother John and others whom she loved. While we can’t be there to attend her service, please feel our arms around you as we express our love and support to her wonderful family.